Proposal for UN Counterterrorism Coordinator Misses the Mark
Journal Article — 24 February 2017
“Proposal for UN Counterterrorism Coordinator Misses the Mark,” by Alistair Millar and Eelco Kessels, IPI Global Observatory, (24 February 2017).

“Proposal for UN Counterterrorism Coordinator Misses the Mark,” by Alistair Millar and Eelco Kessels, IPI Global Observatory, (24 February 2017).
The Global Center has produced this independent report to take stock of a decade of multilateral activities implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (Strategy), including past biennial reviews, and develop a set of findings and recommendations to support implementation efforts in the coming decade.
“Is UN Equipped to Deliver New Plan on Preventing Extremism,” by Alistair Millar, IPI Global Observatory, (28 January 2016).
This report outlines ideas for strategies, programs, and initiatives that can be implemented to prevent and counter violent extremism in the Greater Horn of Africa and increase human security and community resilience. Suggestions include training officials and frontline practitioners to enhance their engagement with communities, improving service delivery and reform of the security and criminal justice sectors, introducing disengagement and reintegration programs, promoting subregional cooperation and information sharing, fostering youth leadership, engaging the media and the private sector, and strengthening the capacity of and engagement with civil society actors.
Magazine article — September/October 2014
“Between Iraq and a Hard Place,” by David Cortright, Sojourners, September/October 2014.
The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, adopted by the General Assembly in 2006, presented a watershed moment for the institution that has historically faced fundamental divisions on counterterrorism issues, which has limited cooperation among member states. This report reflects on the United Nations’ performance on counterterrorism issues since the adoption of the Strategy in 2006, and in particular, developments since the 2012 review. It offers a strategic analysis of the changing counterterrorism landscape since the last review. The report concludes with a set of practical recommendations for the UN and member states to strengthen UN counterterrorism capacities, particularly through internal coordination, responsive programming, improved reporting, and strategic communication.
“A Good Deal with Iran” by David Cortright, Sojourners, 25 November 2013.
The policy brief discusses the role of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) and the opportunities presented by the renewal of its mandate before the end of this year to further strengthen and clarify its role in the multilateral counterterrorism framework. It explores recent changes in the multilateral counterterrorism architecture, including the establishment of new entities within and outside the United Nations with a focus on countering terrorism and violent extremism.
“Suspending Sanctions: A Strategy for Reaching Diplomatic Agreement with Iran” by George A. Lopez and David Cortright, Peace Policy, 18 September 2013.
This article focuses on the role of the G8 as a global leader on countering terrorism, with the foresight to step away and let others, such as the Global Counter Terrorism Forum, take the lead on counterterrorism capacity building.