A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions

By Alistair Millar, George A. Lopez, David Cortright, and Linda Gerber

Webinar — January 2021

Our panel of experts discussed how the incoming Biden administration can refine and improve the role of sanctions and diplomacy to stem the spread of weapons of mass destruction, drawing on insights from our policy report, From Crisis to Opportunity: A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions.


From Crisis to Opportunity: A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions

By Alistair Millar, George A. Lopez, David Cortright, and Linda Gerber

Report — December 2020

This policy report traces the negative consequences of Washington’s misuse of sanctions under the Trump administration, argues for a recalibration of US nonproliferation policy, and articulates specific recommendations for the incoming Biden administration.

The Smarter U.S. Option: A Full Summit with Iran Policy Brief No. 11

By George A. Lopez and David Cortright

Policy brief — June 2006

This study draws on lessons from 27 years of U.S. sanctions on Iran and research on what mix of carrots and sticks have resulted in past cases of denuclearization. It argues that the escalating crisis between Iran and the United States belongs on the bilateral summit table, not at the United Nations Security Council

On Iran: Don’t Snap Back, Step Up

By Alistair Millar

Newsletter article — 18 August 2020

“On Iran: Don’t Snap Back, Step Up,” by Alistair Millar in INFORUM No. 4, 18 August 2020.

Blue Sky IV: Clouds Dispersing?

By Alistair Millar

Report — May 2018

This independent report and its recommendations focus on ways to improve the development, coordination, delivery, and impact of UN efforts in countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism (PVE). In light of the changes to the threat environment and alterations made to the UN architecture, this report also looks at what can be done to ensure that the sixth review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy can be used to assess more systematically the effectiveness of UN efforts to support Strategy implementation at headquarters, on the ground, and, importantly, between the two.

Principles of Effective Counterterrorism

By Alistair Millar

Book chapter — 2018

“Principles of Effective Counterterrorism,” by Alistair Millar in The Ecology of Violent Extremism: Perspectives on Peacebuilding and Human Security, ed. by Lisa Schirch (Lanham, Md., Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018).
Counterterrorism policy requires a holistic effort to assess, prevent, deter, and counter terrorism. The chapter’s author offers four essential principles for guiding policy makers and practitioners in developing a principled approach to countering terrorism.

Mission Critical or Mission Creep? Issues to Consider for the Future of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee and Its Executive Directorate

By Alistair Millar

Report — October 2017

“The UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) was established in 2004 with the core mission of supporting the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) in monitoring the implementation of counterterrorism obligations required by Security Council Resolution 1373 and facilitating technical assistance to member states to aid their implementation activities. Since 2004, however, CTED’s mandate has expanded considerably in response to the evolution of the threat and the increased number of stakeholders benefiting from CTED assessments and analyses, a group that includes not only the council itself, but also UN member states in general, regional and functional organizations, and other counterterrorism-relevant entities inside and outside the UN system.”