Iraqi Women Speak: Promoting Women, Peace, and Security

Webinar — 8 March 2023

Presented by the Keough School of Global Affairs and its Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Pulte Institute for Global Development and by Alliance for Peacebuilding, Fourth Freedom Forum, the Costs of War Project, Win Without War, MADRE, the International Civil Society Action Center Network (ICAN), and Our Secure Future.

Advancing the Debate about the Humanitarian Impact of Economic Sanctions

By Alistair Millar and George A. Lopez

Webinar — 6 December 2021

View a recording of our webinar in which experts discuss the humanitarian impacts of sanctions on Iran, Syria, and Venezuela here.

A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions

By Alistair Millar, George A. Lopez, David Cortright, and Linda Gerber

Webinar — January 2021

Our panel of experts discussed how the incoming Biden administration can refine and improve the role of sanctions and diplomacy to stem the spread of weapons of mass destruction, drawing on insights from our policy report, From Crisis to Opportunity: A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions.