International Process on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: A Compilation of Key Documents

By Alistair Millar and Eric Rosand, eds.

Report — September 2008

This report is a compendium of documents from the International Process on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, a process sponsored by the governments of Costa Rica, Japan, Slovakia, and Turkey with the support of CGCC. The focus of the process was assessing overall UN contributions to the fight against terrorism and how to make UN institutions more relevant to national counterterrorism strategies and better able to support implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

Implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the Latin America and Caribbean Region

By Eric Rosand, Alistair Millar, and Jason Ipe

Report — September 2008

This report provides an overview of issues relevant to the implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the Latin America and Caribbean region. It focuses on the role of the United Nations and regional and subregional bodies, in particular the Organization of American States, and looks at how counterterrorism cooperation within and between these bodies could be strengthened and how the Strategy could be used to further not only this cooperation but also broader regional efforts to combat terrorism.

Implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in East Africa

By Eric Rosand, Alistair Millar, and Jason Ipe

Report — June 2008

This report provides an analysis of issues and challenges relevant to the implementation of the UN Strategy in East Africa and an overview of the Strategy-related counterterrorism efforts of some of the key stakeholders in the subregion. It offers a series of recommendations aimed at states, the United Nations, and regional and subregional bodies on how to further the implementation of the Strategy in East Africa with a view to strengthening counterterrorism cooperation in this volatile subregion.

Human Rights and the Implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy: Hopes and Challenges

By Eric Rosand, Alistair Millar, and Jason Ipe

Report — January 2008

This report addresses the challenge of ensuring that the human rights–based approach to combating terrorism enshrined in the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy is mainstreamed through the relevant UN and regional bodies and programs and at the national level. It provides specific recommendations on what the United Nations, region and subregional bodies, and civil society can do to carry forward the human rights elements of the Strategy.

The Sanctions Era: Themes and Trends in UN Security Council Sanctions Since 1990

By David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Linda Gerber-Stellingwerf

Book chapter — 2008

“The Sanctions Era: Themes and Trends in UN Security Council Sanctions Since 1990” by David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Linda Gerber-Stellingwerf in The United Nations Security Council and War, edited by Vaughan Lowe, Adam Roberts, Jennifer Welsh, and Dominik Zaum (Oxford University Press, 2008) pp. 205-225.

Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas

By David Cortright

Book — 2008

Veteran scholar and peace activist David Cortright offers a definitive history of the human striving for peace and an analysis of its religious and intellectual roots. This authoritative, balanced, and highly readable volume traces the rise of peace advocacy and internationalism from their origins in earlier centuries through the mass movements of recent decades: the pacifist campaigns of the 1930s, the Vietnam antiwar movement, and the waves of disarmament activism that peaked in the 1980s. This is history with a modern twist, set in the context of current debates about “the responsibility to protect,” nuclear proliferation, Darfur, and conflict transformation.

Implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Southern Africa

By Eric Rosand, Jason Ipe, and Alistair Millar

Report — November 2007

The report focuses on the challenges of and priorities for implementing the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in southern Africa. It considers how the Strategy can be used as a guide for governments in and outside the subregion, the United Nations, and other multilateral bodies and civil society to contribute more effectively to addressing the terrorist threat and as a basis for improving the overall coordination and cooperation in the subregion in combating terrorism.

Building Global Alliances in the Fight Against Terrorism

By Alistair Millar and Eric Rosand

Report — November 2007

This report outlines steps the Obama administration should take during its first 100 days to improve international cooperation against terrorism, repair the United States’ damaged reputation on the international stage, and protect America from another major terrorist attack.

Behind the Sanctions against Iran

By David Cortright

Audio — 29 October 2007

The U.S. has announced new sanctions against Iran. David Cortright explores the implications.

Listen >> (8:00)

The UN Security Council’s Counterterrorism Program: What Lies Ahead?

By Eric Rosand, Alistair Millar, and Jason Ipe

Report — 2007

This report was the culmination of the “Security Council Counterterrorism Review Project” and highlights the successes and shortcomings of the post–September 2001 Security Council counterterrorism program and the steps that can be taken to improve it, in particular the work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate.