Rachel Martin interview with David Cortright on NPR’s Morning Edition

By David Cortright

Audio — 4 January 2022

The U.S. warns Russia it faces sanctions if it invades Ukraine. Do sanctions work? NPR’s Rachel Martin interviews David Cortright on Morning Edition.

Listen >> (4:45)

Sanctions, Economic Statecraft, and Venezuela’s Crisis

By Francisco Rodríguez

Report — January 2022

To fully scrutinize the humanitarian impact of sanctions, the Sanctions and Security Research Project commissioned case studies on Iran and Venezuela, and collaborated with the Carter Center’s project on Syria, which recommend stronger safeguards to prevent negative humanitarian impacts and offer ways of improving the effectiveness of sanctions and strengthening of incentives.

This case study on Venezuela was prepared by Francisco Rodríguez, 2021–22 International Affairs Fellow in International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations and Director, Oil for Venezuela.

The Continuing Challenge of Sanctions Policy Reform

By George Lopez with Esfandyar Batmanhelidj, Francisco Rodriguez, and Annie Charif

Podcast — 1 December 2021

The Kroc Cast: The Continuing Challenge of Sanctions Policy Reform. George Lopez talks with Esfandyar Batmanhelidj, Francisco Rodríguez, and Annie Charif.

Listen (51:12)

Getting the Balance Right: Refining the Strategic Application of Nonproliferation Sanctions

By Alistair Millar, George A. Lopez, David Cortright, and Linda Gerber

Report — April 2021

This paper argues for a greater commitment to sanctions that fit the reality of each discrete case of proliferation, nimble diplomacy that includes incentives-based bargaining, and strategies for reciprocal threat reduction to reduce nuclear dangers and enhance international cooperation for peace and security.