The Responsibility to Protect and Not Neglect: At Home and Abroad, the Afghan People Deserve More International Support for a Better Future

By Amina Ahmed

Policy brief — February 2025

This study by the Fourth Freedom Forum’s 2024 Howard S. Brembeck Fellow, Amina Ahmed, emphasizes the critical role the Afghan diaspora plays in lobbying their host nations for meaningful support for Afghans in Afghanistan, refugees, and those trapped in limbo without legal status in countries like Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. In essence, this brief serves as a call to action for the diaspora to organize and advocate effectively for their fellow Afghans.

Iraqi Women Speak: Promoting Women, Peace, and Security

Webinar — 8 March 2023

Presented by the Keough School of Global Affairs and its Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Pulte Institute for Global Development and by Alliance for Peacebuilding, Fourth Freedom Forum, the Costs of War Project, Win Without War, MADRE, the International Civil Society Action Center Network (ICAN), and Our Secure Future.

Counterterrorism and the United Nations Security Council Since 9/11: Moving Beyond the 2001 Paradigm

By Eric Rosand, Alistair Millar, and Naureen Chowdhury Fink

Report — September 2022

Made possible with support from the European Union, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the German Federal Foreign Office, the Securing the Future Initiative (a project of The Soufan Center and the Fourth Freedom Forum) launched in September 2021 on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

This report provides an independent review and assessment of the United Nations Security Council’s counterterrorism activities over the past two decades. The report’s findings and recommendations are informed by desk research, surveys, and numerous off-the-record interviews with experts and practitioners, and the authors’ combined experience of working on multilateral counterterrorism issues for more than 50 years.

Unknown Knowns: How the Bush Administration Traded Failure for Success in Iraq

By David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Alistair Millar

Policy brief — July 2022

This study by the Fourth Freedom Forum’s New Paradigm Project examines the alternative security approaches that were available at the time of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2002, and examines alternatives to document that the war was unnecessary and to highlight the policy advantages of multilateral nonmilitary security strategies.

Wilton Park Conference Report on Sanctions, Incentives, and Human Security: Economic Statecraft and Humanitarian Crises

By Joanna Weschler

Report — July 2022

Proceedings from a sanctions conference on Sanctions, Incentives, and Human Security: Economic Statecraft and Humanitarian Crises; hosted at Wilton Park from 16-18 May 2022 in partnership with the Fourth Freedom Forum and the Sanctions and Security Research Project.

Syria: From Punitive Sanctions to an Incentive-Based Approach

By The Carter Center

Report — April 2022

To fully scrutinize the humanitarian impact of sanctions, the Sanctions and Security Research Project commissioned case studies on Iran and Venezuela, and collaborated with the Carter Center’s project on Syria, which recommend stronger safeguards to prevent negative humanitarian impacts and offer ways of improving the effectiveness of sanctions and strengthening of incentives.

This paper is a compilation of the Carter Center’s work on Syria prepared by Hend Annie Charif, program associate in the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program, with contributions by Stacia George, director of the conflict resolution program, Rana Shabb, associate director in the conflict resolution program, Nancy Azar, senior program associate to the conflict resolution program, and Hrair Balian, former director and senior advisor to the conflict resolution program.