Enhancing the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Sanctions

By Fourth Freedom Forum

Report — April 2007

Proceedings from a sanctions symposium sponsored in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations. Co-sponsoring organizations included The Fourth Freedom Forum and the Kroc Institute, The Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University and the Stockholm Process on Targeted Sanctions at Uppsala University.


By David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Linda Gerber-Stellingwerf

Book chapter — 2007

“Sanctions” by David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Linda Gerber-Stellingwerf in The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, edited by Thomas G. Weiss and Sam Daws (Oxford University Press, 2007) pp. 349-369.

Sanctions and Stability Pacts: The Economic Tools of Peacemaking

By David Cortright

Book chapter — 2007

“Sanctions and Stability Pacts: The Economic Tools of Peacemaking” by David Cortright in Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods & Techniques, rev. ed., edited by I. William Zartman (United States Institute of Peace, 2007) pp. 385-418.

Bombs, Carrots & Sticks: The Use of Incentives and Sanctions

By David Cortright and George A. Lopez

Journal article — March 2005

“Bombs, Carrots & Sticks: The Use of Incentives and Sanctions” by David Cortright and George A. Lopez, Arms Control Today, vol. 35, no. 2 (March 2005).

Implementing Targeted Sanctions: the Role of International Agencies and Regional Organizations

By David Cortright, Linda Gerber, and George A. Lopez

Book chapter — 2005

“Implementing Targeted Sanctions: the Role of International Agencies and Regional Organizations” by David Cortright, Linda Gerber, and George A. Lopez in International Sanctions: Between Words and Wars in the Global System, edited by Peter Wallensteen and Carina Staibano (Frank Cass, 2005) pp. 144-158.

A Sanctions Coordinator: Options for Enhancing Compliance

By David Cortright and George A. Lopez

Book chapter — 2005

“A Sanctions Coordinator: Options for Enhancing Compliance” by David Cortright and George A. Lopez in International Sanctions: Between Words and Wars in the Global System, edited by Peter Wallensteen and Carina Staibano (Frank Cass, 2005) pp. 65-74.

Containing Iraq: Sanctions Worked

By David Cortright and George A. Lopez

Journal article — July/August 2004

“Containing Iraq: Sanctions Worked” by David Cortright and George A. Lopez, Foreign Affairs, vol. 83, no. 4 (July/August 2004), pp. 90-103.

Reforming Sanctions

By David Cortright and George A. Lopez

Book chapter — 2004

“Reforming Sanctions” by David Cortright and George A. Lopez in The UN Security Council: From the Cold War to the 21st Century, edited by David M. Malone (Lynne Rienner, 2004) pp. 167-179.

Learning, Adaptation, and Reform in Security Council Sanctions

By David Cortright and George A. Lopez

Book chapter — 2004

“Learning, Adaptation, and Reform in Security Council Sanctions” by David Cortright and George A. Lopez in The UN Security Council in the Post-Cold War Era, edited by David M. Malone (Lynne Rienner, 2004) pp. 167-180.

Unproven: The Controversy over Justifying War in Iraq

By David Cortright, Alistair Millar, George A. Lopez, and Linda M. Gerber

Report — June 2003

As officials investigate the controversies surrounding missing evidence in Iraq, it may be useful to analyze the assertions that were made about weapons of mass destruction and terrorist connections in Iraq, and the information that was available to refute those claims. In this report we present the publicly available data that U.S. and UK leaders chose to ignore in the pre-war debate. It provides a clear picture of what could have–and should have–been known and what should have been balanced against other more secretly obtained data on Iraq.