Noor Ghazi: Helping bring peace to her fellow Iraqis

By Anna Romandash

Interview — 6 June 2023

Noor Ghazi, an Iraqi-American activist, tells Anna Romandash about her journey to peacebuilding, her work with US and Iraqi students and peace activists, and how she supports youth in her home country recover from war trauma. Published in Peace Insight.

“Noor Ghazi: Helping bring peace to her fellow Iraqis,” in Peace Insight, 6 June 2023.

Women’s Freedom in Iraq: A Conversation With Yanar Mohammed

By Anna Romandash

Interview — 4 May 2023

Published in Manara Magazine, Fourth Freedom Forum Brembeck Fellow Anna Romandash interviews Yanar Mohammed, a well-known Iraqi feminist, for her perspective on Iraq twenty years after the US-led war as it still struggles with the consequences of the war.

“Women’s Freedom in Iraq: A Conversation With Yanar Mohammed,” in Manara Magazine, 4 May 2023.

Iraqi Women Speak: Promoting Women, Peace, and Security

Webinar — 8 March 2023

Presented by the Keough School of Global Affairs and its Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Pulte Institute for Global Development and by Alliance for Peacebuilding, Fourth Freedom Forum, the Costs of War Project, Win Without War, MADRE, the International Civil Society Action Center Network (ICAN), and Our Secure Future.

Women and the Iraq War, 20 Years Later: The Consequences of War, Sanctions, and Occupation for Women and the Continuing Struggle for Women’s Rights

By David Cortright, Anna Romandash, and Marcelle Al-Zoughbi

Report — March 2023

This report is a project of the New Paradigm Project, which is made possible with support from the Fourth Freedom Forum, Cynda Arsenault, the Chino Cienega Foundation, the Colombe Foundation, the Jubitz Foundation, and the Samuel Rubin Foundation. The New Paradigm project assesses the costs and consequences of overly militarized U.S. policies that led to failure in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries, and diverted trillions of dollars from needed investment at home. The project examines the advantages of cooperative multilateral approaches to international security based on principles of human rights and military restraint. The project produces analyses and policy proposals for greater reliance on diplomacy, peacebuilding, development, economic statecraft, and participatory governance as means of preventing armed conflict and violent extremism.

Unknown Knowns: How the Bush Administration Traded Failure for Success in Iraq

By David Cortright, George A. Lopez, and Alistair Millar

Policy brief — July 2022

This study by the Fourth Freedom Forum’s New Paradigm Project examines the alternative security approaches that were available at the time of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2002, and examines alternatives to document that the war was unnecessary and to highlight the policy advantages of multilateral nonmilitary security strategies.